Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe for health using your UWB devices?
Russian Sanitary-Hygienic Rules and Standards (SanPiN) in item declare regulations for the highest acceptable level of electromagnetic radiation in electronic devices. For NanoPulse devices radiant exposure standard is 200 (microwatt/*hours. Speaking about 24 hour continous patient examination it comes to 8 microwatt/ Estimated maximum radiation power of NanoPulse devices is 0.05 microwatt/ which is 160 times less than allowed. Incubator Monitor has emission power 0.007 microwatt/ which is approximately 1000 times less than allowed. Also it is important to notice that emission power of NanoPulse devices is 2500 times less than emission power of a mobile phone which you used to put directly to your head while NanoPulse devices are typically placed remotely.
What is difference between the Baby Sleep Guard and conventional sound- and video- based baby monitors which are widely available in the market?
Conventional sound- based baby monitors are capable to perform only one main function: to inform parents about that the baby is awake by reacting on sound level produced by the baby. Video- based baby monitors in addition to that trasfer real-time image by looking at which it is possible to determine whether the baby is awake even though it is silent. Baby breathing monitor - Baby Sleep Guard besides saying whether the baby is awake or not is called to perform more important function: watch over life signs of the baby by monitoring its respiration. As soon as the device detects respiratory arrest is alarms immediately. This feature is basic for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) prevention which happens statistically not so rarely. Conventional baby monitor are not capable watching on respiration without having additional contact sensors.
What is sleep apnea and why to cure it?
Sleep apnea
is a condition when lung ventilation at sleep time stops for more than
10 seconds. Practically it is more often when the pause between two
sequential breaths is 20-30 seconds. In worse cases it reaches 2-3
minutes and a person does not breath up to 60 % of its sleep time.
Having regular sleep apnea (about 10-15 times per hour) leads to sleep
time disorder and further to day time sleepiness, memory and
intelligence impairment, complaints on work performance and capacity and
permanent fatigue.
Why to measure pulse wave velocity?
In hemodynamics one of the most important blood flow factors is vessels elasticity. When the vessels are elastic enough they reduce stress on the heart, ensure greater blood flow and vessels capacity. Over ages or by other reasons such as deseases, smoking, stress etc. the vessels loose their elasticity which leads to additional stress on the heart and consequently towards degradation of human hemodynamics. Detecting vessels stiffness as early as possible enables doctors to start cure patients timely and prevent patients from more serious deseases. Pulse wave velocity measurements indirectly inform about vessels stiffness. With NanoPulse Pulse Wave Velocity Gauge examination is non-invasive.